Know Your Acupuncturist

As a Licensed Acupuncturist, I have had many questions from people regarding what Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is. This question never took me by surprise because unlike countries in Asia, Acupuncture in the Western hemisphere is still a foreign concept. However foreign it may be, the truth remains that it is an effective type of medicine. Western medical research has paved the way to uncover it's efficacy through scientific research but yet until it can grasp the holism of Chinese Medicine it will continue to be fragmented data.

Recently, a new question has emerged, "How is getting acupuncture from a Chiropractor or Medical Doctor different from that of a Licensed Acupuncturist?" My question to this individual is this, "If you had a severe pain in your stomach would you see a dermatologist for help?" Obviously the dermatologist had some training in internal medicine but it's not their specialty. Instead, you would want to see a gastrologist. Same thing with that of Chiropractors, MDs and Licensed Acupuncturist. For Chiropractors and MDs, they can learn about acupuncture in a weekend seminar or continuing education course. The licensing board only requires that they fulfill 200 credit hours of acupuncture to practice. However, Licensed Acupuncturists go to school for 3-4 years and take over 3,000+ credit hours of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine is our's our forte if you will.

200 hours versus 3,000. It's quite a difference. I can't tell people who they should go see however, know the truth. Know your Acupuncturist.

Please refer to this article published by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) for more information: Know Your Acupuncturist


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